Friday, June 29

In Response to Marya's blog

Sorry for the swearing.
I honestly hope I did not offend any of you.


love, the sexy stallion ;)


Jono said...

Well, firstly, what has been done to this beautiful site? It was so good looking and happy and what not, and now I can't read the majority of the links because of the colour changes. And the change of title? A change of title was needed, yes, but to this one? Hmm. Not sure. But I do like the photo. Photos are good. Yay! Photos!
Sorry, I don't want to sound like I am just complaining, but that;s what I do, I complain. Especially when this site was my most precious creation.
Ha! I'm not really being that serious.

Jono said...

Or am I?

Kirst said...

aww chris they love you haha and they think you have an accent. thats awesome... we miss you stax right now.. kyla asked when you were getting back the other day and i reminded her you have only been gone a month and a half and she was shattered! so you better be coming home soon kid!!
hope your having an awesome time!
catchya later kid
love kirst.xo