If you haven't already seen them, there are these pictures on the internet now that are playing on the movie '300'. Now, this is an awesome movie that if you haven't seen it you need to cos' its awesome. If you go to Google images and type in 'this is sparta' you'll get them.
here's one of them.
All I've heard about this movie is that it shows a girls boobs and lots of blood. That doesn't sound like a great movie to me. So convince me, Chris, why should I watch this movie?
I hate whoever came up with option D. They should be left in a room with some angry Spartans.
Aimee, you should watch this movie because it is just the best ever. It is however more of a guy movie...or at least a very manly woman movie. so...yeash.
Jono, i too don't like answer D all that much, but i don't think it affects me as much as it does you. Stay true to yourself bud.
Yes, and see while I do enjoy many things that boys seem to enjoy like video games, burping, star wars and shooting guitars with arrows, I don't consider myself a manly woman, so no, I probably wouldn't like it. After all I hate James Bond, but that's cause I don't get it and I think having characters named "pussy galore" is direspectful to women.
Hey Chris, I actually just called Camp to talk to you and I guess I just missed you. Why did you decice to leave early? Anyway, when are you going back to Australia? The 23rd? I'd really like to see you again before you leave and I'm very sad you can't come to my party and frankly a little dissapointed that you decided to go to Ohio instead... Oh well, Nothing more I can say or do, but let me know when you come back and hopefully we can see each other once more.
And about what you said, you're right. I should feel love for those people as much as I feel it for the kids. Part of me wanted to tell those girls to not smoke for their own good, that I had done it and it only brought bad things, but you're right. You have a way of making me see things I haven't thought of before.
P.S. you can reach me also at shortstack51@hotmail.com
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