Wednesday, August 29


Today i am fasting. This means i am not eating all day. 'Why am i doing this' you ask? Lately along my walk with God i have felt quite distant but still feel i am doing His work. That is all good but i still want to feel Him more. The other night i just sat down and read my bible for a little while there stumbled upon a topic that has plagued my life. Why do we always worry? off the top of your head this may seem like an easy question to answer, but as you search deeper, its not. I spent the next 6 hours in prayer and study and wanting to write a blog about it but realised that it was too long, so in the near future i will be writing a blog series on the issue and at a later date attempting to write a book. Coolies. But what does this have to do with me fasting? well, in that time i was really hungry and i just spent time with God to sustain me and it was awesome. It may seem a little weird to you but to me it makes perfect sense to me because i was there. Today i will be spending the times that i would regularly be eating in prayer. I will attempt to fill myself up spiritually rather that physically.

Matthew 4:1-4
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wildernessd to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. The tempter came and said to him, "if you are the some of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." But he answered. "It is written,
'One does not live by bread
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of God.'"


Jono said...

I think it is awesome that fasting can be such a good thing for you. I have often contemplated doing this for all sorts of reaosns, as many people have said why fasting can be good, but I am not sure at the moment.
Also, I am so for you writing a book. I love books, and I lvoe writing books. And I lvoe it when other people write books. Especially when you can talk about it and stuff and funness.
I liked hearing your opinions on this stuff, and more about what is happening at the moment for you. Keep blogging, non-blog king, as your blogs are good, and many of us love reading them.

Kyla said...

Hey Chris! I also think it's great that you are looking into different ways to connect with God. I think we give up too easily when we don't instantly connect with Him and it's so important to try different methods. I hope fasting works for you and that you can have strength to perseveer. Love you and we're praying for you back home. God bless.
Kyla xx

Kiffa said...

ps. I changed the colour scheme of your blog back so that I didn't die of colour missmatching death syndrome. Alsdo, so that you could actually read the links. If you actually liked it how it was, I am sorry, and I will change it back.

Kiffa said...

Wow, that comment publishe dunder your name! Sorry! It was not from you, ti was form me, Jono Croxford.

Aims said...

Hey Chris, it's midget Aimee. You've inspired me to get a non myspace Blog. You can check it out:

Aims said...

You've disbanded the sexy stallion title? What about dudealicious mcstudmuffin or whatever you wrote on your burton survey.

B.C. said...

Christopher. I am in a rush, and cannot write anything of substance in this rush. So I will just tell you this:

This weekend I fasted the use of my arms. Huzzah!

Anonymous said...

yo shaq....

so i decided to get one of these blogger thingys.....

since your too cool for myspace

but yea

Kiffa said...

Yo cmofranci! Tell me what you blog name is man. I'll visit it. Coolies for getting a blog. I'd say 'welcome to the revolution' but that would be lame.....Welcome to the REVOLUTION!'. But with 'revolution in capitals it is totally the opposite of lame. Sublame if you will.