Wednesday, August 29


Today i am fasting. This means i am not eating all day. 'Why am i doing this' you ask? Lately along my walk with God i have felt quite distant but still feel i am doing His work. That is all good but i still want to feel Him more. The other night i just sat down and read my bible for a little while there stumbled upon a topic that has plagued my life. Why do we always worry? off the top of your head this may seem like an easy question to answer, but as you search deeper, its not. I spent the next 6 hours in prayer and study and wanting to write a blog about it but realised that it was too long, so in the near future i will be writing a blog series on the issue and at a later date attempting to write a book. Coolies. But what does this have to do with me fasting? well, in that time i was really hungry and i just spent time with God to sustain me and it was awesome. It may seem a little weird to you but to me it makes perfect sense to me because i was there. Today i will be spending the times that i would regularly be eating in prayer. I will attempt to fill myself up spiritually rather that physically.

Matthew 4:1-4
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wildernessd to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. The tempter came and said to him, "if you are the some of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." But he answered. "It is written,
'One does not live by bread
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of God.'"

That '70s Sow

I am totally missing this show disgustingly too much! I miss them all. Eric, Donna, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Fez(yay Jono!), Red, Kitty, Leo, Bob, Midge, Pastor Dave, Crazy Caroline, Eric's hot cousin and all the other lovable chillins characters.

I'm obsessed what can i say!

Just thought that was blog wrothy....cos' That '70s is awesome!

"ok, who stole my last box of sugar babies?''(taken from season 2 episode 7 - Halloween - its cool because now i know what sugar babies are!!!

Friday, August 17

No One Will Check This......sad face.

Wow, it has been so long sinse i last blogged. I'm guessing that no one will check to see if i have put something new down because i never do. i suck. no! Never! But anyway, I feel i should say a little about what i've been up to....but i dont really feel like it. So where does this leave me? Ok what i really feel like doing is writing down a discussion i'm about to have with myself about where my faith is at and what it has been doing the past two wonths whilst away. Kind of odd. Here we go.

...this is a lot harder to get stared that i thought it would be...

Why haven't i been talking to God? I spend so much time talking to people and listening to people about prayer but when i really think about it, i hardly pray (or at least i have hardly been praying over the past month). Wait, that is only a half truth, i have been praying to God a lot, bringing things before Him and asking for guidence, as well as saying Grace before all my meals, but the thing which i used to be able to do was to just lie somewhere and talk to God about anything. Anything that was on my mind. I haven't felt that friend-connection with God for a while. Why is this i wonder? Have i been too busy? Possibly, but I have had free time. Am i losing faith? I don't think so. Many things that have happened lately have only affirmed what i believe(I shall blog about these more when i get a chance to. That may be after i get home though so sorry). Am i feeling less worthy before God?...My brain pauses on this question it asks itself. This could be it... ...I will return to this. Lately I have been feeling rather content with where i'm at. True, that does sound contradictory to what i've just been writing, but i think it fits in. This trip has been an incredibly happy time for me even though a lot of not-so-happy things have happened(again, i will elaborate in future blogs). Maybe because things have been good for so long that i thought i was finding contentment. But with the thought of leaving.... things have become a little bit more clear(By the way, being content is a very big thing to me, something that i think about a lot....almost too much. Like to the point where i wont be able to find it because i'm searching for something too hard. Cool, got that out.) But anyway, back to what my point of this is, in thinking I was content, I believe I have stopped striving to be with God more. 'Trying to evaluate what my brain has just made me type' - Not trying to say that being content in life is bad because it stops me from connecting with God, more that I had this false idea of what contentment was. Why am I feeling crumby right now? While my Earthly life is going good, my Spiritual life lacks attention and is calling for it.

Cool! Thanks guys! This really helped. I will try and get back to you soon as what is going on. As you can see, i'm a little confused. Hehe.

Just so you know though, I am learning a lot of really good things over here. The people are lovely(at least in this part of America) and i'm physically doing well. Don't let this blog make you think i'm in the poo.

Love you all.